About Christin

Beyond beautiful is all about you!

Christin is a spiritual life and business mentor, founder of Beyond Beautiful, mompreneur, author, speaker, digital nomad and travel influencer who is dedicated to empower multi-passionate women all over the world to create wildly successful businesses based on their unique gifts and talents. 

She helps her clients to find their very own Zone of Genius to create and reach aspirational goals and live the life they are meant for, create the success they deserve and charge what they are worth. 

As a mom of three young kids who slow travels the world full time she walks the talk by creating and living her very own life by design.

Christin aims to build a community to support spiritually, ecologically and socially conscious women on their journey to their most authentic and successful self, to grow and learn together, where they learn to listen to their intuition, a save space without judgment, for pure encouragement for aspiring business owners who truly want to give back to the world.

Her goal is to offer resources (like books), blog posts, masterclasses and retreats etc. to help them achieve their goals, become their highest self and live a more eco and socially conscious life by design.

It’s all about becoming your most authentic self, without trying to just please others. By being the highest version of our selves we can actually serve better, do better and feel better. 

This leads to more success, more impact and overall a better world for everyone.


With you as the centre of our minds, we have tailored a professional women empowerment hub with the mission to inspire, develop and transform ambitious women looking to actualise their dreams into reality. We look to bring out the authentic true self in every woman so that she reaches her truest and fullest potential.

We have to stay focused, with self-determination, inspired action and a plan, we should keep faith and go forward.  Feel the fear and move forward! Learn. Grow. Support. Network. Reflect. Assess. (Re-)strategise. Create a life that is BEYOND BEAUTIFUL.

“The key to success is not to focus on your obstacles, but to focus on your goals.

What people are saying about Christin

Christin cares so much about her clients. I felt so taken care of! And best of all, she knows what it takes to get her clients results. She gave me clear and effective guidance, helped me blast through MAJOR blocks getting in my way, and gave my business the boost it needed to FINALLY take off after almost 2 years of being stuck. I signed my first 2 clients in a week! Anyone would be lucky to work with her.

Shirsten Shirts, Money Mindset Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

“My work with Christin has been transformative! I got clarity on my ideal client and what my zone of genius is. She was incredible to work with and truly does help her clients succeed. Since working with her I have become more visible in my business, created an action plan to leverage social media, and start attracting clients I love to work with. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with her.“

Lo Wentworth, Brand and Visibility Strategist, Public Speaker, and Podcaster.

“Thank you for your incredible input yesterday. I was fully booked within 10 minutes! You are magical!” 

Christin’s Story

In the beginning….

Growing up in a tiny village in the forest, like me, you’re always the go-to person when it comes to creativity, design, luxury, plant-based nutrition, expensive fragrances, 5 star hotels, world travel, personality development, lifelong learning, and much more Dreaming about Tiffany and Audrey Hepburn films.

From my earliest childhood I have always had the inner need to help others and to be creative. So I have done many different things and jobs and try to help today where help is needed. But I’ve always been told that creativity + helpfulness is a breadless art and that I would never get any money like that.

It wasn’t easy to get over this eventually. I had to break free to thrive.


At 17, I took my backpack with only the required essentials and left to explore the world!

Alas! I did not become a street kid. I graduated from high school on my own, studied Industrial Design, learned a lot of creative methods, design thinking and other techniques to turn ideas into concepts and pour them into services and products and put them on the market. I spent several semesters studying management, business administration, project management, manufacturing, plastics engineering, ergonomics, psychology, photography, sculpture and much more. I was a senator at my university and got a scholarship for a semester abroad in America.

I have had several jobs over the years, have worked a lot (including on myself), been out of the house for 12-14 hours, trying daily to meet the needs of others as well as possible to provide as much as possible to my family (everything I myself never had) and in the spare time, I tried to be a SuperMom and a SuperWife!

And then, I suffered through a burnout!

Through a burnout, my life changed overnight.

I decided I needed to heal from this, to heal my past and my soul.

So after our move, I came to rest. I reflected and transformed myself to see life in a new way, enlarged our family, invested multiple 5-figures in coaching and personal development, opened myself up in a whole new way to everything life has to offer and found love and abundance on my entrepreneurial journey.

Another curveball…

I had to overcome my fear of not being good enough and failing, accepting that perfectionism does not help me, overcoming my money blocks in my head to finally earn and accept what I’m worth and throw my ungated old beliefs overboard to replace them with new ones that actually do me good and support my vocation.

Having children

I have learned that there is no right time to have children or to build your own business and make your dreams come true. You just have to dare to start, preferably yesterday, you have to claim for yourself what is meant for you and so I have made the promise to never go backwards, always looking forward to invest constantly in myself (Coaching, University courses, etc., a total of at least € 150000) and my wishes and dreams to live. I’m not waiting for next time or next year!

All we have is the here and now!

What I did was no miracle

I claimed it for myself and YOU CAN DO THAT TOO! You do not have to get stuck in a life or a job where you do not feel comfortable. You do not have to surround yourself with people who do not support you, do not understand you and are not feeling well with you. Let me help you create the business and life and success you deserve!


I have thriving online businesses, traveling around the world with my family, spending so much time with the people I love as I want, helping thousands of women build a more successful, fulfilling life and business and finally having the lifestyle they want always wanted and for whom they were born.

I’m nothing special, no more than any other woman too! Strictly speaking, most successful people are neither more intelligent nor more educated than others!

I have just learned to recognize my strengths, to use my talents and to maximize my reach through the right strategies and techniques and to attract only my ideal clients. This saves resources and allows my clients to get the best possible results, so they like to invest in themselves and my coaching.

So, if you still question yourself or your ability to accomplish great things in your life, to be successful, and to live by your own rules while earning what you are worth and living the life you were born for, be reassured , YOU CAN CREATE THIS AND I CAN HELP YOU!

If a girl from a tiny village in the woods (who did not know computers or the Internet until 18) can do it without support, you certainly can!

It does not matter where you come from, what you’ve done so far, or if you have support. No more excuses!

Zone of Genius

When you find your “zone of genius”, overcome your blockages, fears and self-doubts and implement the right strategies, there are no limits for you. You can reach everything! In fact, working can be fun, fulfilling, opening many doors for you, bringing you the freedom, abundance and prosperity you’ve always wanted.

We all know these moments when we see successful women who seem to have everything, and then tend to be jealous or tell themselves that they are simply better, come from a rich family, have a wealthy husband, or plain and simple that this kind of life is not granted to us. Let me be the first to tell you that these women are neither better nor wiser than you. They are just flesh and blood, just like you. They are not perfect, they are flawed and they make mistakes. There is nothing extraordinary about them. Nevertheless, they have managed to create a great way of life and success for themselves.

How I can help you?

My name is Christin and I am an Author, Mentor, Industrial Designer and Mompreneur with two sons (born 2012 and 2015) and one daughter (born 2017). As a holistic international business, life and success coach for female entrepreneurs, consultants, creative people and the self-employed, I firmly believe in lifelong learning, especially through personal development and help my clients to develop their brand, their business and their personal lifestyle around their dream customers and attract clients who become raving fans.

In thousands of coaching sessions, I’ve helped hundreds of clients develop in individual coaching and group programs. They are these successful women and their secret is that they do not work alone, they seek skilled help. Someone who helps them to recognize their strengths, talents and their vocation and develops profitable business ideas with them and accompanies them to the desired level of success during implementation.

As a transformation coach in business, lifestyle and success, I help my clients to explore and utilise their full potential in both their business and private selves.


ALLOW TO BE YOURSELF and to live an authentic life by design, by becoming the highest version of yourself!


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